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Story Of Anne, George and Judy 4: Gather
Story Of Anne, George and Judy 4: Gather
The Story of Anne, George and Judy is a stitched series from my sketchbook. Each piece is hand stitched with both sashiko thread and quilting threads. All images are taken from my sketchbook .
My work is based off of home and garden. As a single mother of 3 I had often struggled with feeling alone (despite my girls all being close). I had experienced a lot of loss throughout my life. Covid allowed me to feel more comfortable on my own but I am always seeking connections and understanding autonomy. As an avid walker and metro rider I like to peer behind fences and into windows and once again embracing the comforts of my home/studio.
All my work stems from these relationships that give both joy and the ability to work through discomfort.
Piece 1 measures 10.25” x 11” in the frame