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Controlled Chaos Series: In Passing


Controlled Chaos Series: In Passing


In Passinig is pieced part of my Controlled Chaos Series:

Controlled chaos is a series I began in 2008. I started collaging and stitching left over pieces from the handbag and apparel line I was designing at the time. For me, the concept of layers and transparency are symbolic of our beings and I love that I find these qualities inherent in textile scraps.

I believe we collect experiences throughout our lives. These experiences mold and change us, they sway our character. When all is said and done we remain the same person, however changed we may seem. Our integrity, our soul, our being that was birthed into this lifetime remains unchanged. Through stitching layers upon layers, I create unity and celebrate life. I make objects of color and beauty while thinking about what life means to me and what I’ve seen in the world.

It measures roughly 19” high by 16.5” wide at the widest point.

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