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Building A Village: Connecting Our Spaces With Stitching and Appliqué


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Building A Village: Connecting Our Spaces With Stitching and Appliqué

For 5 consecutive Sundays (March 21st - April 18th) Debra will lead a communal project, where we'll create a collaborative textile art piece, using stitching and appliqué techniques. Participants will each receive a kit with a 22" x 22" linen cotton square and 3 small geometric shapes of fabric. The kit will also contain 2 prepaid priority mail envelopes. You'll create your own house using any technique, and then you will use the prepaid envelope to mail this work-in-progress to another person in the group. We'll repeat this twice. As the materials move in rotation, you will each end up with a piece containing homes from 2 other members of group. Debra will then guide you to unite these houses and create a village scene.

Please note time is PST