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Improvisational Fabric Collage and Stitching (2 part series)


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Improvisational Fabric Collage and Stitching (2 part series)

We will work with a 10" x 10" square of fabric, fabric scraps, needle and thread to compose our image. In the first session, we'll learn how to collage and stitch. In the second session, we'll learn how to add finer details through embellishment.

All levels are welcome and there is no prior experience required. There will be plenty of time to share, get feedback and meet other participants from around the world.

If you are not in EST time zone, be sure to convert the time.

Session 1: Fabric Collage and Stitching
April 3 2PM - 3:30PM EST

Begin the process of collage, and prepare your design. We will go over the fundamental principles of textile collage, including whip stitch and running stitch. You will get to know the materials you have, and Debra will guide you towards an intuitive composition for your final piece. 

Session 2: Embellishing
April 10  2PM - 3:30PM EST

Create finer detail in your piece through the art of embellishment. Debra will be showing how best to translate your imagination to decorative designs in your fabric collage.

Sign up at VAWAA

Earlier Event: February 17
Collage and Stitching